How Can I Teach My Kids to Ride a Dirt Bike?

One of the most rewarding activities a child can do is learn how to ride a dirt bike. On the road, your kid will pick up skills like flexibility, recovery, and fitness, which is a great foundation for their future endeavors.

How Can You Teach Kids to Ride Dirt Bikes?

Naturally, most parents are concerned about the security of their children while using machinery. Although there are some risks associated with the sport, you can take measures to keep them safe on the dirt road. The following advice can help you introduce your children to dirt bikes:

Get the Proper Dirt Bike

A good starter bike that can accommodate your child’s size is required. Keep the size and engine size as small as possible. A 50cc bike will be comfortable for the majority of kids because it is lightweight, small, and won’t intimidate them. Large models might fit your child, but they will be difficult to handle and will be difficult to turn or stop with.

If you want to know Does Riding a Dirt Bike Require a Driver’s License, click here.

Children need a dirt bike that is simple to handle and that they can sit on comfortably so that their feet can touch the ground. Additionally, the handlebars and controls must be simple to reach.

Ask them to test the dirt bike you intend to buy. You might think the 100cc is too big and the 50cc is too small. You have the choice of an 80cc or 70cc model in this situation.

If you want to know What Are the Prices of Kids’ Dirt Bikes? (Top 8 Dirt Bikes), click here.

Since kids outgrow dirt bikes quickly, you’ll need to keep upgrading the vehicle. You can look for used dirt bikes in places like the community club to keep costs in check.

Removing the training wheels is the other thing to remember. They may grow accustomed to the added stability and be reluctant to ride without the wheels at first.

Teach older children without additional assistance, unless the child is very young.

Safety First

Although dirt biking is inherently risky, there are precautions you can take to increase your children’s safety. Keep your kids on the bikes because, first of all, dirt bikes are safer than ATVs.

Since dirt bikes are designed for dirt roads, stay off of them. Additionally, make sure that no other traffic, particularly automobiles, is present on the tracks.

To ensure your children’s safety, outfit them with appropriate riding gear. A helmet is required, and it must be of excellent quality.

You should spend money on a good helmet to protect your child’s developing brain. Youth-sized goggles, motorcycle boots, protective gloves, knee and elbow pads, and motocross pants are additionally required.

Make sure your children are at ease if you want them to enjoy the game. Never outfit them with ill-fitting gloves, boots, or even a helmet. Have them ride in a comfortable environment that is not humid or extremely hot.

You ought to enthuse your children about equipment. To make them more accepting of the safety gear, show them videos of professional riders wearing stylish jerseys.

Start The Lessons On a Level, Straight Path

The first time they ride will excite your kids. Therefore, if you take them somewhere with the uneven ground where they are more likely to fall and crash, they will get frustrated.

Find a flat area with no traffic, then start training them there. As soon as you put them on the road, direct them to take simple, straight routes.

In order for them to be enthusiastic about learning more, it is important to make sure they are having fun. In order to get started, you can make your backyard into a beginner-friendly track before moving on to an outdoor dirt road.

One Step At a Time

There are several things a beginner dirt biker should keep an eye out for. If you keep giving orders to your child, it might become overwhelming and frustrating for them. Particularly if you’ve been riding a dirt bike for a while, you’ll find yourself educating them to the point of overload.

Since children have a short attention span, focus on imparting just one important tip per outing. For instance, on the first trip, you can make sure they learn how to ride straight by keeping them in first gear.

On subsequent rides, as they get more comfortable on the bike, they should increase the speed and upgrade the gear. On a subsequent trip, you can instruct on riding form and positions. In another session, prioritize standing positions over bumps. Each trip will leave your kids feeling accomplished, which will only motivate them.

Teach Them How to Fall

You should help your children overcome their fear of falling so they can feel more at ease when they crash. When instructing them on how to operate a dirt bike, try not to get frustrated.

Your children will naturally feel intimidated when riding large machines for the first time. They need to know you have faith in their capacity to be safe riders.

Ensure them that crashing is acceptable. Discuss collisions and accidents with them so they are aware of the possibilities for their bikes to crash. Discuss the causes of various collisions and how to stay safe.

Since stiffening up or attempting to break the crash is the main cause of crashes, instruct them to relax and let the equipment do its job. Even jokingly pushing them over to check out their safety pads is acceptable. It will increase their trust that the equipment will protect them from impacts.

Take Periodic Breaks

Your junior riders will get carried away on their bikes once they get into the zone. They are constantly perspiring due to the heat from the gear and the adrenaline that keeps them going.

Although the wind keeps them cool through their riding clothes, it causes dehydration.

Your kids’ safety gear, particularly the helmet, might cause them to overheat. They won’t enjoy the trip if they’re not comfortable. Making them stop for water breaks is one way to fix this.

You’ll observe an increase in how much fun they have on trail rides.

You Need to Inspire and Support Them

Positive comments will encourage your children’s development. If you keep harping on what they are doing wrong, they won’t take it well. The advice should be broken up with some positive affirmations, such as “good job.” You want your junior to believe they are performing well.

Coordination and control require practice to master. It is practice, not constant instruction, that will improve their riding. Your child will eventually handle the bike improperly, and when you correct them, they may become irate and respond, “I know!” Take your time with them.

Take Your Time

It’s not simple to learn how to ride a dirt bike. Especially if you learned as a child, keep in mind what it was like to be a beginner. Don’t hurry the procedure.

Place your youngster in a situation where they sense they are in charge. Avoid fostering a hostile work environment.

Give them permission to take a break if they request one. Follow their lead and only present a new challenge when you determine that they are capable of handling it.

Children need to feel like they are making progress, so start with the fundamentals and move up as they get older.

Check to See That They Ride Within Their Capabilities

Make your kids ride within their limits if you want them to continue participating in the sport.

Consider the difficulties of each terrain to determine whether they are prepared for that degree of difficulty. It is simple to assume the technical features of a trail you have used before if you are an experienced athlete.

Bring the kids to simple trails, to begin with so they can feel proud of themselves. Before you embark on any trail, make sure to scout it out.

Skip out on challenging terrain because they require all the self-assurance they can muster. No matter how minor, do not discount their accomplishments.

Take a Breather

Give your juniors some room once they get going. Give them time to recover if they falter or stall. Tell them they already know what to do if they ask you what to do.

Building confidence while biking requires overcoming obstacles. Give them some time to analyze the situation even if they look to you for assistance.

In the same way, if you see them repeatedly making a mistake, you can wait to correct them until they approach you. As long as there is no danger to their safety, let them explore the challenge a little.

Once they do it correctly, they will be able to tell the difference if they look deeper into a problem. Understanding the how and why of a behavior is the aim in order to make it more effective than merely giving commands.


You already know how much fun riding dirt bikes is. You can include your children in it and it can be a fun family activity. Get them a bike that fits them properly and some safety equipment.

To keep them interested in the sport, you must keep it entertaining. As you progress from one fundamental to the next, commend their efforts.


Hello there fellow motorcycle enthusiasts; I’m Mihael. The first motorcycle I had was a scooter Gilera vxr 200 from 2003. This is the motorcycle I fell in love with, which brought me into the moto world. Since then, I have been riding many kinds of bikes, from dirt bikes to race bikes. At the moment, I have a Kawasaki Z750 from 2004, and all I can say is that it is a hell of a bike. I have been riding motorcycles for the last 10 years, and during this period, I have been to many locations where I would probably not be without my bike. My goal is to give you the best advice and tips possible that I have been using myself and that all of my biker friends find helpful to them as well.

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